Tell your loved ones you have just landed
Travel News
ArrivedOK, flight arrival tracker
24th December, 2009
The special flight arrival tracker, ArrivedOK now permits all the frequent flyer and any passenger to tell their love ones that they have just landed. In other words, ArrivedOK flight arrival tracker tracks the passengers’ cellular phone in a mobile network. Hence it will be tracked once the passengers’ mobile phone is switched on after landing. Thus once landed the messages ‘ArrivedOK’ will be sent to the selected loved ones right away via SMS, email, blogs, Twitter. The Landed notification to relatives with ArrivedOK informs their loved ones that they have just landed. In addition, the flight arrival tracker, ArrivedOK tracks the passenger’s appearance in the destinations of airport via an individual mobile phone status.
Any frequent flyer willing to profit from the ArrivedOK flight arrival tracker simply has to create one’s ArrivedOK message and the Recipient list. Then after landing the passenger just has to switch on his mobile and finally get your relatives, friends, family, loves notified.
Moreover besides ArrivedOK, frequent flyers are now able to post tweet and photos via Eezeer and Eezeerator.
Source: ArrivedOK
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