Tallinn additional flights Estonian Air
National Company, Travel News
Estonian Air, London, Tallinn
8th September, 2011
With a busy summer season ahead, Estonian Air will be providing additional flights from Tallinn to a number of destinations. For instance, Estonian Air will provide one additional flight from Tallinn to Tartu scheduled on Sundays thus offering flights every day. In addition Estonian air will add two more flights departing Tallinn to London. Moreover, Estonian Air will provide additional air ticket Brussels, Moscow, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Milan and Nice. Estonian Air additional flights from Tallinn are already available for booking for the approaching summer season. To recall, Air Valid provides passengers with information on luggage Estonian Air so that passengers are aware of the amount and weight of luggage they are entitled to on different type of flights in different classes.
Source: Estonian Air
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One Response for the article “Tallinn additional flights Estonian Air”
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