Smartboarding service now with Air France from Paris to Amsterdam
National Company, Travel News
Air France, Amsterdam, Citizengate, Paris, Smartboarding
10th March, 2009
The airline based in Paris, Air France is now offering Smartboarding departing from Paris to Amsterdam. Smartboarding is a computerised boarding process. Smartboarding is an individual card which holds the newest biometric technology which permits frequent flyers with Air France between Paris Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam to acquire an automated boarding pass from a kiosk in the terminal. Smartboarding service proposed by Air France will provide access to the frequent passengers to a boarding portal. Moreover both the Smartboarding service and the Citizengate are developed together. Citizengate was established in 1968 by Mr. Franklin Devaux. Citizengate is known for his great knowledge in the field of smart cards and biometrics. Furthermore the Smartboarding service will confine the forefinger and thumb prints of a passenger flying with Air France who registers at a check-in desk. Once the Smartboarding i.e. the biometric card is placed into a kiosk, the passenger’s flying with Air France departing from Paris to Amsterdam will have its travel information and boarding card printed. Thus when the biometric card is inserted by the passenger flying with Air France, a portal at the gate is opened without human intervention. The back of the Smartboarding card can be reused up to 500 times.
Source: Air France
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2 answers for the article “Smartboarding service now with Air France from Paris to Amsterdam”
On 15th March, 2009, 7:17 pm Robor says:
Not sure that this is true:), but thanks for a post.Thanks
Robor -
On 22nd September, 2009, 10:58 am Yanesha says:
Smartboarding is indeed true. Air France has already tested Smartboarding on flights departing from Paris to Amsterdam. If you want to require about Smartboarding feel free to contact us and have a look at
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